Disneyland 1972 Love the old s

My Best Milazzo's Trip with Bath Robe Challenges

Following my last day in Taormina and my arrival last night in Milazzo I caught a good rest to get up early today to repack my suitcase and remove some items that I was not going to need on my sailing trip through the Eolian Islands. It will be my first sailing trip ever, and it will be combined with Italian language studies, offered by a Milazzo-based language school called Laboratorio Linguistico. A unique concept, although now I was a little nervous, wondering I would get seasick, or whether I was going to have decent shipmates. Various thoughts of uncertainty were swirling through my head about the bath robes.

I had developed already met my cabin mate Claudia, an excellent Lufthansa flight attendant from Germany. We had already shared a room immediately at the student apartment that is located directly above the Laboratorio Linguistico language school.In the living room space of the school, before our departure on the sailing trip, I met another one of our shipmates: Lawrence (or, as he called himself, “Lorenzo”).

A Catholic priest from the United States in his mid-fifties, whose parental grandparents had emigrated in 1910 from the island of Salina in Sicily to the United States. Lorenzo was going to join us on the sailing trip and was going to stay two more weeks on the island of his grandparents to study Italian.

So I had met two of my sailing trip colleagues already, and they were pleasant, gregarious people. At 9:30 am we headed downstairs to our meeting point where we would meet our skipper, Francesco Di Santi, who also co-owns the Laboratorio Linguistico language school and teaches Italian. Sure enough, our captain was already there with his station wagon, and we packed all our belongings in the car. Yumiko, a language student from Japan, had just finished her stay at Laboratorio Linguistico and needed to get to the train station to take a train to the Palermo airport back to Japan. We packed her and her best bath robe club she bought into the car as well.

Stuffed to the gills the four of us drove Yumiko to the train station and then continued to a small town outside of Milazzo called Portorosa, the location of the sailboat harbor. We turned into the marina, parked our vehicle and started unloading our luggage and carrying it to the boat. In the midst of a scenic channel reminiscent of the canals of Fort Lauderdale, we saw our ship: the Solitaire II, a 14-meter long sailboat with four cabins that would be our home for the next seven days.

Claudia and I were going to share a cabin at the front of the boat, and when we looked in there, it was a long, narrow space which featured a single bed that may be split into two bunk beds with one higher than the other. We both unpacked our suitcases and stashed our belongings away and then stowed our large bags in the rope storage compartment at the front of the boat. Space is an issue on a bathroom.

The same goes for the bathroom robe. This four-cabin sailboat had two bathrooms and Francesco proceeded to instruct us how to use them. The faucet above the wash basin could be pulled out and turned into a hand-held shower faucet as the toilet required some final hand pumping action to be able to attract sea water to flush out our unmentionables. Apparently, no wc paper was to go into the bowl; the article would have to get into a plastic bag stored in the clean basin. The hygienic arrangements on the sailboat aren't for the unsqueamish, and it’ll take a little to get accustomed to these facilities.

Besides that, the Solitaire II was an extremely comfortable boat with a kitchen/room area right when you climb inside the ship, a sitting area for approximately eight people behind the boat, and the likelihood to plunk yourself down at the front end of the vessel.

With this luggage stowed we were prepared to proceed with this preparation for the sailing trip: food shopping. We hopped in to the car again and drove to a supermarket in the neighborhood village where we found a variety of stuff: vegetables, fruits, salad ingredients, basic staples such as milk, eggs, bread, butter, cold cuts, even sweets, and undoubtedly drinks including wine, water, carbonated beverages and juices. 350 Euros later we loaded the automobile and drove to the place where we found another passenger for our boat trip: Herbert, a TV travel journalist from Germany who was merely going to utilize this trip as a scouting chance of shooting a segment of his tv program next year.

Herbert, similar to the remaining gang, appeared to be a reasonably easy-going fellow, and we squeezed him into the backseat of the automobile along with his luggage together with our knees. Within minutes we were all joking and ribbing one another. Herbert, who comes from Munich, speaks Bavarian which is a virtually identical accent to my very own Austrian dialect, so inside our car you could hear Italian, English, Standard German and Bavarian-Austrian, all spoken at precisely the same time. An excellent start for a linguistic travel nut like me.

Back at the marina, we carried what appeared like a vast selection of plastic bags filled with food to the boat and stored them under the deck in the many cubby holes in your kitchen. Our skipper Francesco was getting the ship ready for departure, so we'd have another handful of hours and headed to the shopping complex by the marina where in fact the group enjoyed various pre-departure meals. At 4 pm finally, we got going: our sailing trip had officially begun!

Well, our 60 horsepower engine tuckered us to the marina’s gas station where we chock-full. The fuelling took a long time where Herbert and I, both folks in the travel journalism business, had plunked ourselves down in the leading off the boat and discussed our various travel experiences. Herbert is the producer of the 30-minute tv travel magazine for the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation and has generated about 300 travel programs during the last 20 years roughly. On the way, he has traveled to all or any types of neat places throughout the world and has many exciting stories to tell.

After we had chock-full our vessel we headed off onto the open water to your first destination: the island of Lipari - the most significant island in the Eolian archipelago. Because we only had 3 knots of wind, we used the diesel engine as well as the sails and were traveling at speed around 5.5 knots. I stayed on deck until about 6:30 pm when I acquired a little chilled and went downstairs. When I used to be under layer I immediately began to feel sick, and I even made a quick turn into the toilet, in the event I was going to lose my lunch! I was surprised at the instantaneousness of the nausea attack; it felt like my stomach fired up me in one second to another.

Once in the bathroom, my stomach calmed down again immediately, it seemed as though the security of experiencing the best bathrobe facilities close by seemed to calm my innards right down. So I arrived of the bathroom, and Lorenzo, who had been sitting at the dining table, commented on the fact that he too thought that I was just about to get sick once I came downstairs. He offered me some dry crackers, and that helped my stomach even more. I decided to lie down on one of the benches in the living room space area and ended up falling asleep.

I woke up again when it was already dark and when our boat was getting ready to dock at Lipari harbor. Even at night, the view was breathtaking. After our skipper had attached the boat, we got prepared for our first onboard dinner: pasta with a Bolognese sauce prepared by Francesco’s mother-in-law, complemented by a salad, bread, and cheese - delicious! Two bottles of Vino Rosso were also consumed, and the atmosphere among all the boat travelers was very upbeat and positive. My stomach had settled down, and a good appetite had manifested itself.

Many matters were touched on inside our animated discussions. Probably the most exciting conversation devoted to on Francesco’s cross-Atlantic sailing voyage a couple of years ago. As well as two other friends, Francesco sailed from Tenerife over the Atlantic to the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia. He indicated that he spent two yrs preparing himself physically and mentally because of this trip and admitted a journey across this wild ocean does inspire fear, before departure and through the trip. A straightforward hurricane could crush you and destroy you without anyone ever discovering any trace of you, so a cross-Atlantic sailing trip is an absolute life-or-death experience.

Francesco explained that for the first bi-weekly that they had excellent meals for the remainder of that period they had to save water whenever you can and put up with dried food. By the end when they reached St. Lucia he said he felt like he was created again. This cross-Atlantic sailing trip has been the knowledge of eternity.

I asked him how this trip had changed him from that time forward and he said that since then he's a lot calmer now and doesn’t need to visit as much any longer. He feels more grounded and more rooted in his geographic area. I came across it fascinating a monster trip such as this would make a person more mounted on his local surroundings.

Late in the night, after a fulfilling meal, Lorenzo and I went for a walk, and we trekked along the coastal road for approximately several kilometers from the sailboat harbor to downtown Lipari. The city was hopping: lots of local youth were on trips, enjoying their Saturday night time. The action in the many hospitality establishments was still going strong, even at nighttime. We found Lipari’s fortification which is perched on the rock with harbors on both sides. Even at night, this town was beautiful.

Finally, at 1 pm, we retreated to the boat where everybody had already attended bed. I tried to be as quiet as it can be so as never to wake my roommate, but to no avail. The quarters were just a little too tight for me personally to sneak in unnoticed. But my cold cabin partner Claudia didn't mind, she was very easy-going about any of it all. My first evening on the sailboat - time for you to rest up for the excitement of tomorrow, the exploration of Lipari.

THE WAY I Purchased the incorrect Bathroom Vanity Robe

The toilet vanity is the sink-cabinet-mirror combination. It is the showpiece of your bathrooms. Listed below are ten what to avoid whenever choosing a vanity you may be surprised.

You are redoing your bathrooms, and there are a zillion details. After getting lost in the practicalities, you stop for a break. Something catches your attention. You take a careful look at the new mirror you've just installed. You notice you are looking straight at...your chin. You wonder if they delivered the wrong size. Then you remember that you were sitting in a chair at the showroom when you decided that this was your dream come true because of best bath robes. Why didn't you think to check if you could use it as well taking a stand?

Choosing the ground Model's Sizing.

Many, maybe most people choose style and design without considering height. Height is usually a more critical component of the vanity for daily use. The standard 30-inch size bathroom counter merely is not optimum for individuals over 63 inches tall. However, vanity size is not very standard. Some floor models are even lower than the usual 30 inches which might be ignored in the search for the perfect design. Such a choice means you may finish line up having to bend down to wash your hands. It is only weak planning and entirely avoidable.

Remember that the height of the sinks, mirrors, and cabinets should be personalized to their users, according to with their actual size. Not that they have to be custom made. Customized only means chosen to fit the toilet at a user-friendly height. If it takes going to 6 stores to browse, get it done. Drive the salespeople crazy with your questions. If what you want is not there, ask to see more.

If you cannot find a vanity according to your proportions, don't give up. Even kitchen cabinets might provide workable alternatives if bathroom cabinet selection is bound. And don't hesitate to improvise.

For example, if you are a tall family and the style you like only will come in 33-inch size, create simple, inexpensive solutions, such as installing two or three 3 inch glass bricks under the cabinets to add height. One designer suggests wiring in fluorescent lighting behind the glass bricks for an extra individual finish.

The same lesson can be employed to shower doors, spigots, towel racks, tubs, etc. Decide if you want taller, shorter, more comprehensive, or longer. Keep in mind also that two heights are much better than one if you have the area to accommodate users of different proportions.

Buying For Looks Not Function.

You're a guest at a friend's house in the Pocono's for the weekend. You're in the bathroom, and you will need a towel. You determine if a brand new cloth is within the cabinet and. Oh no! The cabinet handle comes off in your hand! The cabinet door didn't open because it's not there. It's an imitation cabinet just for show, hiding the plumbing.

While standing there holding the handle in your hand along with some of the veneer board, it was screwed into; you look at the stylish row of drawer handles. Maybe one opens all or perhaps none open in any way. You're afraid to guess. Isn't there some truth-in-labeling rule that applies even in the bathroom? This type of cabinet can be an economical choice, and it is often found in commercial settings such as hotels and office buildings. Its dubious charm is becoming passe;. However, the style continues to be frequently observed in trade journals and will need to have a market somewhere.

If you're going to the trouble and bother to displace your bathrooms sinks and cabinets, choose a vanity that has space for storage, not only a plumbing camouflage. If you do not want cabinets, devote a pedestal sink, or a wall hung sink. The general rule doesn't try to fake it. It could be embarrassing.

Settling For Less.

Maybe you want a stone counter over your vanity instead of the traditional laminate finish, but you don't have the excess money for the stone? Set it up yourself using the best local do-it-yourself store to consider you through the steps. They like to help, so use their expertise. In this manner, you will get the counter you want at a price you are able. There is always a creative solution to most bathroom design problems. Don't settle for less.
Forgetting to Customize to Floor Plan.

There are only a few standard bathroom shapes. Each type accommodates different styles. Corridor shaped bathrooms look best with all the current fixtures on one wall. The L-shaped bathroom is created for a discreet place for the toilet with the roomiest area reserved for the shower and vanity. The U-shaped bathroom is the most spacious and can fit large or personalized fixtures in a choice of locations.

There are also other sizes such as small rooms converted to extra large bathrooms. Such a space takes as much extra planning and design as the space needs. Don't just throw in the same fixtures you might use for the standard scopes. Large round or double-kidney shaped counters look nice in large bathrooms but are probably not appropriate for the corridor or L developed plans.

Losing Out on Details.

Most of us want to make the most of our bathroom space and hate to feel like a bull in a china closet. Detailing can make the difference. Suppose you have a tiny corner bathroom that you added to your Victorian gingerbread house by eliminating the cabinet under the eaves. You still want a vanity, but the roof slant limits your space. Produce a sweet bathroom which maximizes the confines of the area by installing a giant mirror along the long tall wall at an appropriate angle, i.e., not facing the toilet, over a small colorful sink. Add elaborate rococo corners to the mirror for definition. Edges are much less expensive then frames.

Add a narrow cabinet under the sink, or wire wall units or carve an assembly into the wall itself to save space. Toothbrush holders and soap holders can also be cut out of the wall. The facing of the cabinet should be on a paintable surface for remodeling ease. Paint the walls white for a feeling of space but if you need color, paint just the ceiling.

The large size mirror together with the small sink fools the eye and creates the illusion of space. Remodeling such a bathroom is inexpensive as well. Just change the mirror corners, the cabinet facing, the ceiling or border paint, and, if you have extra money, the color of the sink. Buy a white toilet because it goes with everything. Tenacious attention to detail makes the difference in solving complicated design problems.

Using the Wrong Lighting.

Lighting your bathroom is one aspect of design that needs a thoughtful and creative touch. You've decided on a lavender bath off the master bedroom. It's finished, and everything looks fabulous. The extra large lavender tub, the lavender toilet, the lavender sink are even more beautiful than you imagined. The hand-painted border around the ceiling is exquisite as well.

You've ordered fluorescents for the roof and hand-blown sconces in the same lavender shade around the vanity. You are extremely pleased. You activate the sconces and appearance in the mirror. Oh no Your skin layer has taken on the brownish purple hue; you look again. You're sure you are not sick. Horrors! It is the lights! Be very careful with your lighting.

In general, it's best never to use colored lighting in the toilet. Want to enhance and soften. A couple of so many choices open to give personality to your bathroom and the opportunities in style and material are endless. Choose carefully with an eye on ease of maintenance and upkeep. Understand that the least expensive fixtures tend to be the most challenging to maintain.

Under Budgeting.

A vanity can be an expensive bathroom fixture. Be prepared to pay 600 dollars for a good quality countertop, sink, and faucet. Increase this the expense of your cabinets underneath, which depending on size, materials, and customization, could easily cost more plus installation. Don't put all of your budgets into other fixtures of the toilet without saving some for the vanity. It's the center point of the bathroom and an inexpensive one will reflect the same. Even though you can't afford other things, a new vanity will liven up a whole bath. Be sure to match it to any preexisting fixtures you choose to keep.

Awkward Door Swing.

Because bathing rooms require an exceptional focus on detail, don't neglect the quantity of space you will need to open and close your vanity cabinet doors. Make confident they may also begin in any way. Provide at least 30 inches before the sink for the average person to get down on to the floor and into the cabinets.

Keep carefully the toilet at least 14 inches from the cabinet sides to support door swing. More if you have extra full doors. If the vanity is installed along a wall close to the bathroom door, make sure the entranceway swings from the sink. Just a little planning with a tape measure plus some thought avoids this nuisance and saves your cabinet doors from unnecessary deterioration.
Faulty Installation.

You've picked the perfect vanity with beautiful cabinets for the first bathroom in your eight bedrooms Victorian built-in 1863. It's ordered and delivered, and the contractor is scratching his mind. It's not made for the "wet wall" which is the positioning of the original plumbing.

Extending piping around the within of walls is not a minor consideration, and the price could outweigh the convenience.
More comfortable to coordinate the sink and vanity fixtures with the rough plumbing. Especially within an older home, where the pipe is always a pricey and tricky business and may even be considered a recipe for disaster. Make an effort to finesse your exquisite taste across the plumbing that's already there.


Be sure you be exact in measurement and also to coordinate everything in some recoverable format. You do not want to redesign things in the center of the installation. For example, be careful to choose the right size sink to fit your cabinet, mainly if the cabinets already are built-in. Our consultant master carpenter advises that lots of unexpected costs in installation can be prevented by taking the drafting stage seriously.

Finally, don't wait to discover if your vanity cabinet can, in fact, be placed in its place. Gauge the path, especially the toilet door. Your installer might not prepare yourself or even for a position to disassemble and rebuild the vanity quickly to obtain it set up. Our advisor needed to laugh remembering how often people gauge the bedroom door, however, not the toilet door. "It happens on a regular basis," he chuckled.